
Saturday, January 31, 2004


more poetry

with a little time ... SMC

scottagin@webtv.net poet & webmaster

Loved the Moon 

Loved the Moon

Loved the moon last night

.... because you left me

Loved the moon last night

.... for fidelity

Loved the moon last night

.... to share my heart

Loved the moon last night

.... to love alone

Loved the moon because it shone

Loved the moon for love of me

Loved the moon apart from thee

No one ever lost the moon

No one lost the soul alone

No one love can end the word.

A love can always pair the moon.

I slept all night aside the moon

Your leaving left an empty room

When solitude casts palls of gloom

My heart can swell and seek the moon.

Loved the moon last night

...I never was alone

Loved the moon last night

... it from the river shone

Loved the moon last night

.... it rose to greet me

Loved the moon last night

.... it called to meet me.

Loved the moon last night

... for lover's sorrow

Loved the moon last night

... for sweet tomorrow.

Loved the moon last night


Ah Choo 

Ah Choo

Ampules, pepper, just wetter weather

Manners hemmed him in.

It was his by nature

Only his deference

The spray of misting droplets

The sound or notice

It was his to take or give

But in a healthful .. none offensive way

Groundward, up, or handkerchief

It was the sneeze outright ...

[Thought and compliments to manners & Robert Frost]

War and the Count 

A count is due .. for men anew

Swords bows knights, footmen too.

This king is nation .. country's fight

Save courtier, a plight in right

By King, and Council's choice in time

None may stay nor side in lime.

There'll be no way save Divine men's say.

A troop brings grave to lands astray

If ready has the battle plan

Field or marsh or high plained land
May join the formal chivralled stage

Where script will saga distant age

When earth sweat blood and swallowd sword

When war strode forth upon lord's word

By later measure indirect . a man may peace but not neglect

The better life which lease he'll tease.

Which time he took by arts to fount

And blooded less by love than count.

Passing Love 

Passing Love

Leaving,passing .. going time

Ponder, parting .. love leaves thine

Rose's petal ne'r knew

Sadder breeching ... bereft anew

Of the stronging joining love

Bloomed and crowned

Adonning yon easy treadled cradle
Cruxed astride two cimballed hearts.

Where love hath undivided parts

And so .. thine rose we bid adieu

And other love .. invite .. ensue

For heaven hath our hearts endowed

With ken .. and feel to see as one

But love do hath no role alone.

Merry Winter 

Merry Winter

Green the bough .. it makes this hall

A kingdom now made merry.

Winter's come .. my summer's gone

The damp my age does weary.

Now kindle Yule

Let poor men fuel

For king is now King Hiver.

There can be none till cold is done

And Spring's sunrise revive Her

So as we merry wassail or meade

May solstice keep in mind the need

Of the life untropic cycled

When beasts choose sleep and men concede

A breast of clime to pace the snows

A store of food as befits those

Who though they merry and do warm

It is in conscience of the swarm

Which in dark may never wake

And sleep a winter-tide to stake

All the warm life's store of living

Which store, men gain in time by giving

To join in vernal bud returned

A call of friend - not survivor spurned.

The Bard Shop 

The Bard Shop

At the door

At the window

The Bard waited

Not for customers

Not for goods

Not for gold

The Bard waited for


And Muse

And worth of word

Then styled



And smiled.

This small musing re-begins a journal started elsewhere on line by this blogger - SMC - who will be re-publishing past and present Scott M Connolly - scottmcon - poetry here.
An archive of the journal Bard Shop will be available via Blogger.

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Re-publication for non-commercial use with attribution is permitted; save as noted.

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