
Friday, February 06, 2004

Poetry Notation 

Poems titled "Branded", "Bunkhouse Pondering" & "Competing" were composed Ferruary 6 2004.
Touched by NPR's news item about the Cowboy poetry Festival http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1647559
Calves are rarely branded today with a hot iron on ranches - they are plastic tagged now . clipped onto an ear.

"Bunkhouses' one guesses can be lonely & boring; and that poem "Bunkhouse Pandering" paints the image with a thought of a nearby bordello. In Nevada - they are legal, licensed & sometimes now called ranches.

Competing references 'PBR' - the sport of professional bull riding. My 'time' on the bull may be hghly imaginative & generous
All poetry on this site -composed by this blogger-SMC 02/06/04.

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