
Sunday, February 08, 2004

A no-Pebble Beach Limerick 

A no-Pebble Beach Limerick

The beach was all sand not a pebble

The golfing was just for the able

My clubs bore the scars

Of 19th hole bars

And my aim was as fluent as Babel.

- - -

Honestly so inspired by the famous AT&T Pebble Beach Classic -that I would attibute it to my pen in wondrous consonance of mind with many golfers.

(Though no one seemed anxious to answer the challenge of a starting verse.)

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Mixed Verse II 


Salutaris Hostia

Bells in air and spreading skirts;

Running round veranda;

Hostia chokes out weeds and dirt;

And weeding gard뭤ers cost ya!

Looks nice against the lattice though.

Salutaris Hostia

* * *

Hija Y La Grabadora

Mi hija es una juegadora

Pues vendo esa grabadora

Porque ella juega la Copa De Mundo

Y ella no gagna el segundo

Si de ver la juega d'una hija

Necessitas Televisa

Pues yo voy la juega ahora

Y graba la con grabadora!

* * *

De Hablar Espanol

Como alguna apprenda de hablar;

Es esta arreta que dura de borrar;

Porque hablanta una lingue fundamente;

No es facil couramente!

* * *


While in the woods the other day

Faire maiden beckoned me her way

Excuse me miss, I do need this

I'll not be here a'morrow.

Sir goods I got, and I gots lots

I'll leave you of your sorrel.

But dear Miss, and don't insist

I care more for your Morrels.

Sir, Morrels I got and scruples too

But till they're here, these ceps'll do?

* * *

Friday, February 06, 2004

Poetry Notation 

Poems titled "Branded", "Bunkhouse Pondering" & "Competing" were composed Ferruary 6 2004.
Touched by NPR's news item about the Cowboy poetry Festival http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1647559
Calves are rarely branded today with a hot iron on ranches - they are plastic tagged now . clipped onto an ear.

"Bunkhouses' one guesses can be lonely & boring; and that poem "Bunkhouse Pandering" paints the image with a thought of a nearby bordello. In Nevada - they are legal, licensed & sometimes now called ranches.

Competing references 'PBR' - the sport of professional bull riding. My 'time' on the bull may be hghly imaginative & generous
All poetry on this site -composed by this blogger-SMC 02/06/04.


Poets and Cowboys and Cowboys as Poets are heading for a mid-wintering in Elko Nevada for the 20th Cowboy Poetry Festival - news item prompted by today's NPR Morning Edtion. Link above for tickets & events.

A poetic thought for the occasion


Wearing the same pants, the dungarees

Belt slipped the last time.

Brahma over a ton - grey and free.

Ring on the circuit was the same.

Hat was optional but dressed me

8 was my aim but 6?,

Barely saw my face and back

Curling a glove held rope

Cutting in my fingers firmly

Spare hand waved and climbed. See?

Six for me - eight would not be.

Not the cinched rope, just nearly

My distraction the bull knew. Yee

Yaw, off though a sault in air we

Shared in sparkling dust and , we

Heard the horn "That's All" - me

That Brahma couldn't keep me

A bull riding - PBR - me

Sat the dirt too quietly.

Editor's note: corrected 01/25/07
to make the time realistic,
from 18 & 20 to 8 & 6

Branded & BunkKouse Ponders 


White face weiner mooing

Past smell of flesh and hair burning

Ropes hung loose standing by

Pens of steel gates manure

Yells and hoof stomping


Click Click Bar Coded

Branded no more.

- - - -

Bunkhouse Pondering

The town was thirteen miles

And his bunkhouse gave him piles.

Lazy Heart's Ranch at a new moon

Welcomed strangers starting noon

Her sirens weren't to blame

The line-up was the same.

Not one new Lilly or Jill

Joined that madam's hill

Atop the rise, away a day

A guest could make a stay

For the look, and drink inside

It's free to in and costs to ride.

But that's miles to go, to seek

For a line-up same's last week.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Sonnet To the Perennial Rule of Love 

Sonnet To the Perennial Rule of Love

Love like ardor, moods that grow

This verse favors one I know

Kiss n’er me but that may be

Time may hae her at my knee

Nay she stand against my toes

Poem shall win her, if not prose.

For love gifts from, no one knows

To presume is to suppose

That one might be cupid bent

To refrain keeps one, one’s gent!

After all t'is more to gain

By the courtings, waitings, pain.

Some may savor the disfavor.

But the choice’s Lady’s ... plain! !

Sonnet to Palladio 

Sonnet to Palladio

From the pane aglow

Shown the maiden’s hair

Round her face so fair

Curls touched indigo.

Could Palladio

Understand the stare

That the women bear

Since that time ago

Found Rome in Forum

Need of glass and stone

Makes homes decorum

Forming fort its own

T'is public larum

Privacy’s a throne.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

The Sublime Leader  

The Sublime Leader

Sadness that we had

Rarely heard the voice

After his own choice

Seeking his style

Averting public eye

Lest his rythym rile

Their constant call, Why?

Once he'd found an aim

Lessening himself

Shirking most acclaim

Writing for the shelf

As a leader would,

From within the whole

Journal for the rood.

A tribute written on the occasion of the death of JFK Jr.


Leader to equal

He strove to compel

A life he knew ere

White skin made life fair

A time stirred nation

As nation moved law

No race made station

No palor deemed flaw.

He savored not sword

But taught that by word

A man ended hate

By process of State.

Through city he trod.

Man's equal through GOD.

Have recalled the good human values of the late Dr. King on his national holiday - his birthday . .by re-publising a poem I composed to honor his lawyer-minister colleague James Farmer. It salutes both men .. all men and women .. and their great movement.�

Monday, February 02, 2004

Sonnet to the Return of Love 

Sonnet To the Return of Love

Softly, sadly, sleeping love

After making troth anon

Will the centuries clamor?

Can the fortunes cast fate so

As to ripen, laden trove?

Such that love makes envious, sun;

Stutter songster, fool stammer;

Brittle bouyant bough; to go

A-full once more in hamlets'

Discovery of that bliss swoon;

Sweet, yet brighter than comet's

Sparky tail; to jealous moon?

While heaven in earthly mull

Alleves ... bring Cupid's past to full.

Sonnet aux Arts et Un Moment d'Amour 

Des Arts Eternaux ... L'Amour du Moment

Souvenez le Corot, le une

De Forêt de Fontainebeleau?

Avec le faun et pipes de Pan?

La femme en plein chevaux de brun

Visage cherchant, trouvant quel qu'un?

Et aussi la dame d'or de Klimt;

Brocade d'argent, pave diamant?

Des peintures de Klee, comme vitrine?

Des dames de Schiele, crayon plein?

L'embrace en marbre de Rodin?

Son passion et très beau jardin?

Tous des arts expriment l'amour;

Reste avec mois un autre jour.

Sculpteurs, peinteurs ont mode de taux

De moi, aurais l'amour comme faut.

Sonnet to Mujer Latina 

Sonnet to Mujer Latina

Can the Latins spell belleza

Like the English poets beauty?

Should a woman CaribbeaÑa

Make English no, si, espanol?

Que America Latina?

Via al norte del borde?

And meet there, anglo hermana

To compare, there, identity?

Es asunta romantica?

Or is it just the latin sol?

Es e la egal familia?

Or is it more d'amor y fe?

That the manera de mujer

Attracts no more than lady fair?

Sonnet to the Tropical Beauty 

Sonnet to the Tropical Beauty

A moon new shone her tropic mood

Where she joined her love of rood

By love of seaborne custom worn

She chose her man by Triton's horn

No face more fair to stay her eye

Her tapi sarong, ginger lei

Did take her brother by the nigh

In rush of palm leaf to lanai

Balm breeze renewed her mauka side.

A love and passion old to eye

No maid of sun brown, amber hair

E'er loved less true by native tare.

And gave her soul all a melee

Smiling nightward to her Pelee

Poetry Credits 

Credits for SCOTTMCON Poetry

  • The San Franciscaner was written by Scott M Connolly in San Francisco in 1991, and dedicated to the late Herb Caen & Joe Alioto
  • Chinatown was also written in San Francisco in 1991

    SUMMER was written by Scott M Connolly, July 5, 1999; after an inspiration on the PBS NewsHour from the US Poet Laureat!

  • "A Sonnet Returned To Love!"; was written by Scott M Connolly, in West Springfield, Massachusetts .. July 7, 1999.
  • "Sonnet to the Mistress of a Man of State"; was written by Scott M Connolly; July 8, 1999.
  • "Sonnet To the Tropical Beauty"; was written by Scott M Connolly; July 8, 1999
  • Sonnet to Palladio; written by Scott M Connolly, July 9, 1999
  • Sonnet to Queen Annes Lace; written by Scott M Connolly, July 9, 1999
  • Sonnet to Many Flavors; written by Scott M. Connolly, July 9, 1999
  • Tide Pool; written by Scott M. Connolly; July 9, 1999
  • Epigrams; written by Scott M. Connolly; July 9, 1999
  • Mixed Verse; written by Scott M. Connolly, July 9, 1999
  • Mixed Verse II; written by Scott M. Connolly; July 10 & 11, 1999.
  • "Rats Bane" ... written by Scott M. Connolly; July 11, 1999 [author has a beloved calico cat with failing senses and 17.5 years.]
  • "Sonnet To the Roses" ... written by Scott M. Connolly, July 12, 1999 ... after pondering his remnant roses. [note, edited to correct by sloppy proofing yesterday "but" & "do"; referencing the true breeding of roses.] ..Also click on the "More" at the page bottom there for the "Sonnet Menu"... by HTML failure or such; the Sonnet could not be added to the "Sonnet Menu".
  • Epigrams II ... written by Scott M. Connolly; July 11, 1999
  • "Sonnet to the Lusty Wench" ... ; Scott M. Connolly, July 11, 1999.
  • "Sonnet de Avenceur En Divertissement a la Poesie" ... written by Scott M. Connolly; July 11, 1999. (He speaks French/Il parle francais.) ... written in French ... spelling corrected on line 7.20.99 ... "joux" et "triumphverai" ...excuse the older, Spanish spelling
  • "Sonnet to the Perennial Rule" ... written by Scott M. Connolly; July 11, 1999.
  • "F U T B O L" ... written by Scott M. Connolly; July 11, 1999
  • Mixed Verse II... written by Scott M. Connolly; Hostia ... July 11, 1999; "Hija y Grabadora" & "De Hablar" written most basically with my minimum Spanish; the latter expresses the deficiency. ... "Morrels" ... we all "got" ... written July 13, 1999.
  • "Equality" by Scott M. Connolly, July 14, 1999 ... a sonnet dedicated to the life, and memory of James Farmer; founder of CORE ... Washington Post obituary ... the civil rights advocacy group ..The Congress of Racial Equality ... which sought full civil rights, irracially, through the non-violent principles of its founder. .. More about James Farmer
  • The Golf Sonnets are the work of Scott M. Connolly, an occasional golfer, raised with them, and in his blood ...written July 16, 1999.
  • "Sonnet...To the Moon" was written by Scott M. Connolly; recollecting the thirty years ago anniversary of the USA lunar landing ... July 16, 1969 ...written July 16, 1999.
  • "Sonnet To the Despair of Love" ... written by Scott M. Connolly, July 18, 1999
  • "Sonnet To the Return of Love" ... written by Scott M. Connolly, July 18, 1999
  • "JFK Jr." written by Scott M. Connolly, July 17, 1999; after the sad news of his dissappearance
  • "Sonnet to Mujer Latina" written in English & Spanish by Scott M. Connolly [mixed languages in verse] July 19, 1999 ... no commercial use, save by arrangement ... [Excuse the self-flattery, but if any recording artist wants to adapt it, start & contact me.]
  • "Sonnet au Arts Eternaux y L/Amour de Moment" .. written in French by Scott M. Connolly, July 19, 1999.
  • "The Tropics" and "Key West" were written by Scott M Connolly in August, 1999 (6.8.99 USA=8/6/99); in Key West, Florida ... a proof read & double check made the corrections for the proper "tropics".
  • "Fenway Park Forever" ... was written by Scott M. Connolly, in Atlanta, Ga.; he had seen Ted Williams play in 1958; and has been there several times. The Red Sox bizarrely intend to chop the outfield and right field grand stands away; leave part of the "green monster", and make a ceremonial site of old Fenway. The new stadium's land would evidently come from a swap of Fenway's right field? An earlier Boston Globe article had the new stadium eating away right field; most of the outfield; and the right grand stands ... old Fenway could not be used for a full regulation game ... its outfield truncated! ... The "Babe" Ruth, started in Boston in the '20's as a pitcher!
  • The "NFL Season" poems: "The Down" & "The Conversion"; are written by Scott M. Connolly; the late evening of September 16 to wee morn, September 17, 1999 (around midnight edt).
    "The Conversion" is a reference to the two points/ "0" extra points gamble in USA NFL scoring after a touchdown; a simple through the goal post kick is only one point.
    "The DOWN" references the USA NFL four (4) chances to move the ball ten yards; for another 4 down chance to score; or make another ten yards.
    As to the "punting reference, if they don't make ten yards, they give up the ball ... kicking it away from them. ... "Fourth" is a reference to 4th Quarter (4 in USA NFL football)
  • All poetry, prose and verse on this SCOTTMCON site are written by Scott M. Conolly; unless otherwise noted; in explicit credit. All Rights Reserved. Personal use copies are encouraged; translations may be had by AltaVista Babelfish ... no commercial reproduction or use without the permission of Scott M. Connolly

  • Notes, as needed
  • Chinatown;...In American history; as California's San Francisco was settled in the Gold Rush; sailing vessels had seamen "shanghaied" or kidnapped to work their vessels to China; sometimes via the brothels and slaoons adjacent the wharfs and San Francisco's Barbary coast. [They had deserted ships to find gold; and ships could not make sail!]
  • Summer ... In some East Coast USA public beaches, the bathers wear tags for the summer season; on their bathing suits.
  • "A Knotty Little Limerick"; references the wood panelling in New England; styled "knotty pine"; for its many black stained knots; and the word "tine", liberally used, references vertical straight panels; as the "tines" of a fork.
  • Sonnet To the Tropical Beauty";... "Triton" poetically references the calling horn, a shell often; as well as the labyrinthine Pacific crustacean; which the author uses to symbolize the call of the Sea God Kanoloa, also Poseidon, Neptune.
    "rood" is an old English & French word; referencing the common people;
    "brother" is used in the social sense of Hawaiian discourse, and no incest is implied necessarily; save one infers the concubinal marriages of the "alii", or kings;
    mauka is the Hawaiian word for mountains; inlans; referencing here the source of the breeze; [nb the poet originally forgot the correct word ... its mauka, not makai; so he changed the word and omitted 'from' to keep the meter.] ... Mahalo, bruddahs & sistahs; at the Hawaiian on line dictionary.
    lanai is the Hawaiian word for an external area; sometimes used for sleeping; adjoining Polynesian lodgings;
    tapi is the Polynesian word for the bark cloth of the Pacific Islands;
    lei is the Hawaiian word for the flower chain worn around the neck; here of ginger flowers;
    melee is a Hawaiian word, used here as if hurried; sometimes in confusion or panic against discovery;
    Pelee is the primal female Hawaiian deity ... source of good and safekeeping ... including volcanoes & tsunami; and a Hawaiian woman's feminine inspiration.
  • "Sonnet To Palladio" is a classical Italian rhyme pattern, sonnet in iambic pentameter ... pondering his windows, architecture and privacy.
  • "Sonnet To Queen Anne's Lace" ...Daucus carotta ... tributes the native American wild carrot; with its lacy summer bloom; named for Queen Anne of Great Britain.
  • Epigrams ... often mirthy and macabre; adorned early headstones; still do in places; and are famous as witty; pithy verse; of a short nature.
  • "Sonnet to Many Flavors" .... "Johnson's", known to Americans as the Howard Johnson's Restaurant chain; which stared in ice cream with 29 flavors.
  • "The Grand Old Game" ... Written by Scott M Connolly during the World Series Baseball Games at LiPo's Bar on Grant Ave in San Francisco, Ca in 1991. [Written & stored in handprint on the back of a bar anniversary invitation, pink paper red type; paper taken with other personalty in April 1995 from his Massachusetts home; by an impersonator, who eloped with his beach and sports attire; for San Francisco, and Hawaii & a woman... [took a still active pager also ...(808)577-4563; last registered to an address near Honolulu's Salt Lake area
    If you see or find it, send me the verses..... as I rewrote them from memory, and had to re-construct the center stanza.
  • "Morrels" ... 'cep' is the anglo/french term for the round hemisphere capped mushroom.
  • Unless specifically noted; Scott M. Connolly ...SCOTTMCON ... is the sole author of all these works; all rights reserved. {A thanks to his English teachers; thoguhout his life who gave him a constant appreciation of poetry & good prose.)
  • "Fenway Park Forever" ... was written by Scott M. Connolly, in Atlanta, Ga.; he had seen Ted Williams play in 1958; and has been there several times. The Red Sox bizarrely intend to chop the outfield and right field grand stands away; leave part of the "green monster", and make a ceremonial site of old Fenway. The new stadium's land would evidently come from a swap of Fenway's right field? An earlier Boston Globe article had the new stadium eating away right field; most of the outfield; and the right grand stands ... old Fenway could not be used for a full regulation game ... its outfield truncated! ... The "Babe" Ruth, started in Boston in the '20's as a pitcher!
  • "Key West" and "The Tropics" were written during a recent sojourn to Key West, 8/6/99 ... and "The Tropics" was edited 24.8.99; to correct a mistype as to the Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn & their northern or southern climes.
  • "On the Bard's Birthday" written last April 2000; for the occasion of and on the day of William Shakespeare's Birthday.
  • All poetry, prose and verse on this SCOTTMCON site are written by Scott M. Conolly; unless otherwise noted; in explicit credit. All Rights Reserved. Personal use copies are encouraged; translations may be had by AltaVista Babelfish ... no commercial reproduction or use without the permission of Scott M. Connolly - do not use prior e-mail addresses - securest one is scottagin@webtv.net Prior e-mail address scottmcon@yahoo.com is no longer mine.

The BARD is Reborne 

The BARD is Reborne!

Anniversary! ...This day borne

Soeth by luck; few w'd scorne:

Words of parson; books he'd hewn;

History, poetry, prose, he'd learn.

In love and strength, by moral too;

Players'd read and rule whereso.

E'vr ear and pence threw stage

Romance; new wit! A poet's age!

Whilst jesters, kings, and maidens faire

Greet the gathered heads on air.

In the round, and meadow greene

Joints for fair seat; ales pale keen;

Words which met the ear in rhyme!

Envied birdsong, spoke to time.

What name was wrought - n'er rent by sword?

Whilst players spoke his gilded word?

T'wasn't life returned the Lord;

T'was the living of the Bard!

Nae ..don't shirke; nor hasten way

But Salud! ...

Will Shakespeare's borne this day!

Previously published by this poet at GeoCities & Lycos-Tripod and other websites.
Composed for William Shakespeare's birthday.

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